types of business plan

Types Of Business Plan

types of business plan

This article will explore the various types of business plans and weigh their pros and cons.

The importance of a well-structured business plan cannot be overstated. A business plan serves as the blueprint for your venture; guiding you through the key stages and helping you make informed decisions along the way.

Startup Business Plans

A startup business plan is designed for entrepreneurs looking to launch a new business. It outlines the company’s vision, mission, target market, competitive analysis, marketing strategy and financial projections.


  • Quick and easy to create
  • Focuses on the core aspects of the business
  • Great for pitching ideas to investors
  • Easily adaptable to changing circumstances


  • May lack detailed financial projections
  • Insufficient for highly regulated industries
  • Less comprehensive than traditional business plans

Internal Business Plans

Internal business plans are strategic documents used by existing companies to outline their operational and financial objectives. 

These business plans serve as a communication tool for management and employees to stay aligned on company goals and strategies. The primary focus of an internal business plan is to establish clear performance metrics, evaluate potential risks and allocate resources efficiently.


  • Provides a roadmap for long-term success.
  • Helps identify and evaluate opportunities and risks.
  • Can be used to secure funding from external stakeholders.


  • Can be time-consuming to develop.
  • May require ongoing revisions as the business environment changes.

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Feasibility Business Plans

Feasibility business plans are used to evaluate the viability of a business idea. These plans typically include a description of the product or service, a market analysis, a competitive analysis and a financial plan. The goal of a feasibility business plan is to determine whether the business idea is feasible and has the potential for success.


  • Helps determine the viability of a business idea.
  • Provides a framework for decision-making.
  • Can be used to secure funding from external stakeholders.


  • May require extensive research and analysis.
  • Can be very time consuming, especially if the idea isn’t feasible and the exercise needs to be repeated many times.

Operations Business Plans

Operations business plans are used by companies to outline their day-to-day operations. These plans typically include a description of the company’s organizational structure, its policies and procedures and its operational goals. The objective of an operations business plan is to ensure that the company’s operations are efficient and effective.


  • Helps ensure that day-to-day operations are efficient and effective.
  • Provides a framework for decision-making.
  • Can be used to identify areas for improvement.


  • May lack focus on long-term goals and objectives.
  • May not be suitable for external stakeholders.

Growth Business Plans

Growth business plans are used by companies that want to expand their operations. These plans typically include a market analysis, a financial plan and a growth strategy. The goal of a growth business plan is to identify opportunities for expansion and to develop strategies for capitalizing on those opportunities.


  • Provides a roadmap for expansion.
  • Helps identify opportunities for growth.
  • Can be used to secure funding from external stakeholders.


  • Can be time-consuming to develop.
  • May require ongoing revisions as the business environment changes.
business plan

Expansion Business Plans

Expansion business plans are used by companies that are already established and want to expand their operations. These plans typically include a market analysis, a financial plan and a strategy for entering new markets. The goal of an expansion business plan is to identify new markets and opportunities for growth.


  • Provides a framework for entering new markets.
  • Helps identify opportunities for growth.
  • Can be used to secure funding from external stakeholders.


  • Can be challenging to execute.
  • May require significant resources and investment.

Whether you’re starting a new venture, scaling up your operations or exploring new business opportunities, a well-designed business plan can set you up for success. 

With the expert business advisory services from our team at Allevi8HQ, we can help you assess your current position and develop a business plan that suits your goals. Contact us for more information.