
Start of something great

“Necessity is the mother of invention”(Plato). Some may say timing is not great for starting something new, but it is. More on this later, first a little about me.

Great-grand son of a police officer from a village in India, grand son to a migrant farmer in Fiji and son to a Central banker who was also a migrant to Australia. Hard work and determination is in my genes.

My name is Jagdeep Olak but most people call me Jag or Jack. I was born in Fiji in 1975, I have lived, worked and studied in Fiji, USA, Australia, Malaysia, UK and India. I moved back to Australia in 2009 and have since then settled down and married a first generation Canadian.

I am a qualified Chartered Accountant with my own public practice. I have a degree in Accounting from Queensland University of Technology from where I also have an Executive MBA. I have worked in two of the big 4 accounting firms in Fiji, UK and India spending most of that time working in Corporate Finance specialising in Transaction Advisory.

Recently I have owned two franchised pizza shops where I gained valuable business lessons which I am able to draw on when working with my clients. Interestingly my very first job as a teenager fresh out of school was at Silvio’s Pizza which later became Domino’s.

All of my experiences in life have taught me to be relentless in everything I do. My experience sets me apart from many others. My journey to date has included studying in Malaysia, working in the UK and India, owning two franchised pizza shops and more recently as the CFO of a large organisation going through a turnaround program.

So why is now a good time to start a new venture?

We are currently going through one of the most uncertain periods of our time. I am in a position to be able to assist businesses to navigate through the challenges that lie ahead. I can be a sounding board for ideas to help business survive in the short term and then kick start once we are passed this uncertain period. If a business needs ideas on how to preserve cash over the upcoming months, I am able to assist. If a business owner just needs to talk to someone who can relate to their situation, I can be that person.

All this at no cost to those who need to it most, small businesses and franchise owners.

At some point my firm will start generating revenue, but this is not that time. Right now it is about helping anyone who is in a small business and needs help navigating through these uncertain times.

If you or someone you know needs someone to talk to please share this post and ask them to contact me through my website.